To start a local gigaDB server
docker-compose run --rm webapp
Link to test if the web page is up
If there are some build errors
- Rebuild and up the webapp containers again.
docker-compose run --rm webapp
- If not work,
the docker container app and rebuild the containers. - If not work, check if psql,
, database is presented in~/.containers/-data
and remove it.
rm -rf ~/.containers-data/gigadb
- Run
docker-compose run --rm webapp
again to rebuild the containers.
How to remove images
- List all images
docker images -a
- Remove all images
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
How to remove container
- List all containers
docker ps -a
- Stop the containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
- Remove stopped containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
digital ocean
How to run a functional test in a docker environment for testing?
- Write unit test script and place in
folder. - Change the
script./bin/phpunit protected/tests/functional-test --verbose --configuration protected/tests/phpunit.xml --no-coverage
- Run specific unit test:
docker-compose run --rm test ./tests/unit_functional
- Output will be like this:
PHPUnit 5.7.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Runtime: PHP 7.1.30 with Xdebug 2.9.6
Configuration: /var/www/protected/tests/phpunit.xml
... 3 / 3 (100%)
Time: 7.15 seconds, Memory: 14.00MB
OK (3 tests, 7 assertions)
How to run a functional test on a single file in docker environment?
- docker oneliner
docker-compose run --rm test ./bin/phpunit --testsuite functional --bootstrap protected/tests/bootstrap.php --verbose --configuration protected/tests/phpunit.xml --no-coverage protected/tests/functional/AdminSiteAccessTest.php
- Or go into docker bash and run
docker-compose run --rm test bash
root@45a46a8441d3:/var/www# ./bin/phpunit --testsuite functional --bootstrap protected/tests/bootstrap.php --verbose --configuration protected/tests/phpunit.xml --no-coverage protected/tests/functional/AdminSiteAccessTest.php
root@45a46a8441d3:/var/www# ./bin/phpunit --testsuite functional --bootstrap protected/tests/bootstrap.php --verbose --configuration protected/tests/phpunit.xml --no-coverage protected/tests/functional/AdminSiteAccessTest.php
PHPUnit 5.7.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Runtime: PHP 7.1.30 with Xdebug 2.9.6
Configuration: /var/www/protected/tests/phpunit.xml
... 3 / 3 (100%)
Time: 4.18 seconds, Memory: 14.00MB
OK (3 tests, 7 assertions)
How to run a Behat test in a docker environment for testing
- Update the
scenario syntax
specific *.feature file, like:
@ok @files
Scenario: Files - Call to Actions
Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site
When I go to "/dataset/101001"
And I follow "Files"
Then I should see a link "(FTP site)" to "" with title "FTP site"
Then I should see a button "Table Settings"
- Check if related functions in
needed to be updated, eg:
public function iShouldSeeTabWithTable($arg1, TableNode $table)
if ("Funding" == $arg1) {
//| Funding body | Awardee | Award ID | Comments |
foreach($table as $row) {
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Funding body'])
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Award ID'])
elseif("Files" == $arg1) {
//| File name | Sample ID | Data Type | File Format | Size | Release date | link |
foreach($table as $row) {
$link = $row['link'];
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['File name']), "File name match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Sample ID']), "Sample ID match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Data Type']), "Data Type match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['File Format']), "File Format match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Size']), "Size match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Release date']), "Release date match"
if ($link) {
elseif("Sample" == $arg1) {
//| Sample ID | Common Name | Scientific Name | Sample Attributes | Taxonomic ID | Genbank Name |
foreach($table as $row) {
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Sample ID']), "Sample ID match"
if($row['Common Name']) {
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Common Name']), "Common Name match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Scientific Name']), "Scientific Name match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Sample Attributes']), "Sample Attributes match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Taxonomic ID']), "Taxonomic ID match"
$this->minkContext->getSession()->getPage()->hasContent($row['Genbank Name']), "Genbank Name match"
else {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("Unknown type of tab");
- Assign @wip tag to the working scenario in .feature file, this can smooth the running of behat test.
@wip @files
Scenario: Files - Call to Actions
Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site
When I go to "/dataset/101001"
Run the Behat test command on specific scenario.
docker-compose run --rm test bin/behat -vv --stop-on-failure --tags @wip
Or can first shell into test container and then run the command:
$ docker-compose run --rm test bash
root@2f0dd679a934:/var/www# bin/behat --tags @wip
How to run a behat test with database set up
- In
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e -u
- In
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e -u -x
echo "About to run automated tests..."
echo "Loading environment..."
set -a
source /var/www/.env
source /var/www/.secrets
set +a
if [ "$GIGADB_ENV" == "dev" ];then
echo "First, backup the main database..."
exec 3>&1
exec 1> /dev/null
pg_dump $GIGADB_DB -U $GIGADB_USER -h $GIGADB_HOST -F custom -f /var/www/sql/before-run.pgdmp
exec 1>&3
echo "Running acceptance tests"
if [[ "$GIGADB_ENV" == "dev" ]];then
# bin/behat --tags "@ok&&~@facebook&&~orcid" -v --stop-on-failure
bin/behat --tags "@wip" -v --stop-on-failure
# we are on CI with remote runner, affilate login tests don't work becasause Google and Twitter block it
bin/behat --tags "@ok&&~@affiliate-login&&~@javascript" -v --stop-on-failure
echo "...all automated tests have run"
if [ "$GIGADB_ENV" == "dev" ];then
echo "Lastly, restoring the main database..."
exec 3>&1
exec 1> /dev/null
pg_restore -h $GIGADB_HOST -U $GIGADB_USER -d $GIGADB_DB --clean --no-owner -v /var/www/sql/before-run.pgdmp
exec 1>&3
- Run the behat test
docker-compose run --rm test
How to connect postgreSQL in PhpStorm
- Click Database top right of PhpStorm screen.
- Data Source chose
and input following information:- Host: localhost
- Port: 54321
- User: gigadb
- pw:
- URL:
How to restore gigadb database for admin log in
- Log in psql container
PGPASSWORD=vagrant psql -h localhost -p 54321 -U gigadb postgres
- Terminate runing
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'gigadb';
- Drop gigadb
drop DATABASE gigadb;
4.Create gigadb
create DATABASE gigadb;
- Restore
kencho@MacBook-Pro:% psql -h localhost -U gigadb -p 54321 gigadb < ops/configuration/postgresql-conf/bootstrap.sql
How to retrieve production-like database
- Log in psql container
PGPASSWORD=vagrant psql -h localhost -p 54321 -U gigadb postgres
- Create database
postgres=# create database production_like;
- Restore production-like database
kencho@MacBook-Pro:% pg_restore -h localhost -p 54321 -U gigadb -d production_like --clean --no-owner -v sql/production_like.pgdmp
How to retrieve text production-like back up database
# Drop into bash in test container
% docker-compose run --rm test bash
# Use psql in test container to connect to gigadb database in database container
root@16b04afd18d5:/var/www# psql -h database -p 5432 -U gigadb gigadb
gigadb=# create database gigadbv3_20210920;
# Dump in the database
% psql -h localhost -p 54321 -U gigadb -d gigadbv3_20210920 < gigadb/app/tools/files-url-updater/sql/gigadbv3_20210920_v9.3.25.backup
How to convert production database into different version, issue #731, PR190
- First version, which involves too many manipulation of the database, and the binary backup has been indexed which are specific to a database server
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Load environment variables
source ./.env
source ./.secrets
latest=$(date -v-1d +"%Y%m%d")
# docker-compose executable
if [[ $GIGADB_ENV != "dev" && $GIGADB_ENV != "CI" ]];then
DOCKER_COMPOSE="docker-compose --tlsverify -H=$REMOTE_DOCKER_HOST -f ops/deployment/docker-compose.production-envs.yml"
echo "Spin up the database container"
docker-compose up -d --build database
echo "Go into docker container and store the postgreSQL version"
version=$($DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm test bash -c "psql --version | cut -d' ' -f 3 | tr -d '\n'")
echo "Download the production database using file-url-updater"
cd gigadb/app/tools/files-url-updater/
docker-compose run --rm updater ./yii dataset-files/download-restore-backup --latest --norestore
cd ../../../../
echo "Create production database for the version upgrade"
$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm test bash -c "psql -h database -U gigadb -c 'create database gigadbv3_production'"
echo "Load the production database into PostgreSQL server"
$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm test bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$GIGADB_PASSWORD pg_restore -v -U gigadb -h database -p 5432 -d gigadbv3_production /var/www/gigadb/app/tools/files-url-updater/sql/gigadbv3_${latest}.backup"
echo "Create folder for database dump if not existed"
if [[ ! -d sql/psql-v96 ]];then
mkdir sql/psql-v96
echo "Dump the production database"
#$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm test bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$GIGADB_PASSWORD pg_dump -v -U gigadb -h database -p 5432 -d gigadbv3_production -f /var/www/sql/psql-v96/gigadbv3_${latest}_${version}.sql"
$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm test bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$GIGADB_PASSWORD pg_dump -v -U gigadb -h database -p 5432 -Fc -d gigadbv3_production -f /var/www/sql/psql-v96/gigadbv3_${latest}_${version}.pgdmp"
if [[ -f sql/psql-v96/gigadbv3_"$latest"_"$version".pgdmp ]];then
echo "Finished convert production database to postgreSQL version" "$version"
echo "No upgraded database dump found, conversion fail!"
echo "Load the upgraded dump into PostgreSQL server"
$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm test bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$GIGADB_PASSWORD pg_restore -v -U gigadb -h database -p 5432 --clean -d gigadbv3_production /var/www/sql/psql-v96/gigadbv3_${latest}_${version}.pgdmp"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];then
echo "The upgraded dump could be restored!"
echo "The upgraded dump could not be restored, please check!"
echo "Drop production database after upgraded dump has been restored"
$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm test bash -c "psql -h database -U gigadb -c 'drop database gigadbv3_production'"
echo "Stop database container"
docker stop deployment_database_1
- Second version, make use of
to restore the production database and dump it in text format.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Load environment variables
source ./.env
source ./.secrets
latest=$(date -v-1d +"%Y%m%d")
# docker-compose executable
if [[ $GIGADB_ENV != "dev" && $GIGADB_ENV != "CI" ]];then
DOCKER_COMPOSE="docker-compose --tlsverify -H=$REMOTE_DOCKER_HOST -f ops/deployment/docker-compose.production-envs.yml"
echo "Download and load the production database in to postgreSQL server using file-url-updater"
cd gigadb/app/tools/files-url-updater/
version=$($DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm pg9_3 bash -c "psql --version | cut -d' ' -f 3 | tr -d '\n'")
$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm updater ./yii dataset-files/download-restore-backup --latest
echo "Export production data as text (only the strictly necessary data is exported)"
$DOCKER_COMPOSE run --rm updater pg_dump -h pg9_3 -U gigadb --clean --create --schema=public --no-privileges --no-tablespaces gigadb -f sql/gigadbv3_"$latest"_v"$version".backup
if [[ $? -eq 0 && -f sql/gigadbv3_"$latest"_v"$version".backup ]];then
echo "Finished convert production database to postgreSQL version" "$version"
echo "No upgraded database dump found, conversion fail!"