PR546 details at here, gist
Suggestion from Rija, google doc
here’s a suggestion on how to review and merge
Me: Rebase the latest change (the “Use CSV file to provide data for test” PR I saw you’ve just merged Peter)
You: get the branch deployed and working (all tests passing and deployed to AWS)
You: make a list of areas of the codebase that you think was changed or added
Me: I’ll add additional/orthogonal areas to the list I think are missing/worth talking about if any
All of us: for each area, we organise meetings over Zoom (one per area or we bundle areas whenever it makes sense) for a group code review of that area(s) where I walk you through the changes.
All of us: you spend more time in areas you want to understand more while I make the changes necessary at this time resulting from any eventual feedback
You: merge the resulting branch to “develop”
- 0. Clone the repo to local
- 1. Building Stage: Setup, run tests and project structure #642
- 1. Go through the steps mentioned in the FUW workflow video
- 2. Pass Unit test
- 3. Pass Functional test
- 4. Pass Acceptance test
- 5. Pass Coverage Test
- 2. Changes to test infrastructure #643, yii2 basic project templates
- 3. Review Javascript application #644
- 4. Review Javascript application for File Upload Wizard #645
- 5. Review Javascript pipeline #646
- 6. File Upload Wizard Yii2 app #647
- 7. TUS and Uppy #648
- 8. Gitlab pipeline #649
- 9. Beanstalkd message queue #650
- 10. Flysystem modular storage client API #651
- 11. SOLID, fluent interface and controllers #652
- 12. Remove duplicated code and other miscellaneous changes #653
Steps to review - Clone the repo
Clone the target repo
git clone
Set the upstream
git remote add upstream
Sync the local
git checkout develop
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/develop
- Sync the feature branch
with localdevelop
git checkout fuw-cicd
git fetch origin
git rebase develop
Review 1
To fix a merge conflict,
Auto-merging protected/components/StoredDatasetConnections.php
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in protected/components/StoredDatasetConnections.php
error: could not apply 57148420d... Fix acceptance tests and alleviate DOI resolver timeout
git rebase --continue
Steps to review - Building Stage
Remove all existing container database config
rm -rf ~/.container-data/default-gigadb
List, stop and remove all running containers
docker ps
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
- Get started
+ echo 'Starting all services...'
Starting all services...
+ docker stop socat
Error response from daemon: No such container: socat
+ docker run --name socat -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p bobrik/socat TCP-LISTEN:2375,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock
Unable to find image 'bobrik/socat:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from bobrik/socat
Image uses outdated schema1 manifest format. Please upgrade to a schema2 image for better future compatibility. More information at
de1f1ae900b1: Pull complete
0ddb9b45f8f3: Pull complete
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:afea7dbd06940b9979cec0f1b9e8ccb7111d6feb671687ba9281a57136c1564e
Status: Downloaded newer image for bobrik/socat:latest
+ '[' -f ./.env ']'
+ read -sp 'To create .env, enter your private gitlab token and name of the name of your fork on GitLab: ' token
To create .env, enter your private gitlab token and name of the name of your fork on GitLab:
Review 2
To create .env, enter your private gitlab token and name of the name of your fork on GitLab:
is not clear, change it to:
To create .env, enter your private gitlab token
Variables to create .env
name of your fork on GitLab: kencho51-gigadb-website
private gitlab token:
- Rerun
+ echo 'Starting all services...'
Starting all services...
+ docker stop socat
+ docker rm socat
+ docker run --name socat -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p bobrik/socat TCP-LISTEN:2375,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock
+ '[' -f ./.env ']'
+ read -sp 'To create .env, enter your private gitlab token and name of the name of your fork on GitLab: ' token
To create .env, enter your private gitlab token and name of the name of your fork on GitLab: + read -p 'To create .env, enter the name of your fork on GitLab: ' reponame
To create .env, enter the name of your fork on GitLab: kencho51-gigadb-website
+ cp ops/configuration/variables/env-sample .env
+ sed -i.bak 's/REPO_NAME="<Your fork name here>"/REPO_NAME="kencho51-gigadb-website"/' .env
+ rm .env.bak
+ docker-compose run --rm config
Creating deployment_config_run ... done
Current working directory: /var/www
An .env file is present, sourcing it
Running /var/www/ops/scripts/ for environment: dev
Retrieving variables from
jq: error (at <stdin>:0): Cannot index string with string "key"
curl -s --header "PRIVATE_TOKEN:bxEkhUaWRpLNLrm7nYnQ" ""
{"message":"401 Unauthorized"}
Review 3
Request Gitlab permission for GROUP
in .env
- Rerun
+ echo 'Starting all services...'
Starting all services...
+ docker stop socat
+ docker rm socat
+ docker run --name socat -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p bobrik/socat TCP-LISTEN:2375,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock
+ '[' -f ./.env ']'
+ docker-compose run --rm config
Creating deployment_config_run ... done
Current working directory: /var/www
An .env file is present, sourcing it
Running /var/www/ops/scripts/ for environment: dev
Retrieving variables from
Retrieving variables from
Retrieving variables from
Sourcing secrets
Retrieving private_key variable for Google API from
* ---------------------------------------------- *
(Running about 1hour)
+ docker-compose up -d chrome
Creating deployment_chrome_1 ...
ERROR: for deployment_chrome_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for chrome UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60).
$ docker ps
e6c266106fc7 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.141.59-oxygen "/opt/bin/entry_poin…" 13 minutes ago Up 10 minutes>4444/tcp deployment_chrome_1
ee98bde0c32f deployment_web "/usr/local/bin/enab…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp deployment_web_1
6465ae74e7f0 deployment_fuw-admin "docker-php-entrypoi…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes 9000/tcp, 9002/tcp deployment_fuw-admin_1
898b9ce82485 deployment_fuw-public "docker-php-entrypoi…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes 9000-9001/tcp deployment_fuw-public_1
4343b2b35e0f deployment_application "docker-php-entrypoi…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes 9000/tcp deployment_application_1
6947a60f961f deployment_console "docker-php-entrypoi…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes 9000-9001/tcp deployment_console_1
9fc5a2a1daa2 deployment_watcher "/sbin/" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes deployment_watcher_1
5da97ed07996 deployment_tusd "tusd -dir /var/inbo…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes 1080/tcp deployment_tusd_1
d23cb014a7c6 postgres:9.6-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes>5432/tcp deployment_database_1
8690acc870db deployment_ftpd "/ -l puredb:/…" 35 minutes ago Up 35 minutes>30000-30009/tcp,>21/tcp deployment_ftpd_1
a60fa71c68bc bobrik/socat "socat TCP-LISTEN:23…" 58 minutes ago Up 58 minutes>2375/tcp socat
$ docker-compose log chrome
Attaching to deployment_chrome_1
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:21:57,840 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/selenium.conf" during parsing
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:21:57,846 INFO supervisord started with pid 10
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:21:58,850 INFO spawned: 'xvfb' with pid 13
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:21:58,852 INFO spawned: 'selenium-standalone' with pid 14
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:21:58,858 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:21:58,859 INFO success: selenium-standalone entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:21:58,859 INFO exited: xvfb (exit status 0; expected)
chrome_1 | 07:22:00.056 INFO [GridLauncherV3.parse] - Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358
chrome_1 | 07:22:00.241 INFO [GridLauncherV3.lambda$buildLaunchers$3] - Launching a standalone Selenium Server on port 4444
chrome_1 | 2021-05-21 07:22:00.335:INFO::main: Logging initialized @1402ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog
chrome_1 | 07:22:00.844 INFO [WebDriverServlet.<init>] - Initialising WebDriverServlet
chrome_1 | 07:22:01.122 INFO [SeleniumServer.boot] - Selenium Server is up and running on port 4444
- After checking, the
is up and running, so rerun./
+ docker-compose exec console /app/yii migrate/fresh --interactive=0
Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.42.1)
Exception 'yii\db\Exception' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not translate host name "dockerhost" to address: Name or service not known'
in /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:649
Caused by: Exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not translate host name "dockerhost" to address: Name or service not known'
in /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:719
Stack trace:
#0 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(719): PDO->__construct('pgsql:host=dock...', 'fuw', 'vagrant', NULL)
#1 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(638): yii\db\Connection->createPdoInstance()
#2 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1059): yii\db\Connection->open()
#3 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1046): yii\db\Connection->getMasterPdo()
#4 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(463): yii\db\Connection->getSlavePdo()
#5 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(938): yii\db\Schema->quoteValue('public')
#6 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(211): yii\db\Connection->quoteValue('public')
#7 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1126): yii\db\Command->getRawSql()
#8 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1147): yii\db\Command->logQuery('yii\\db\\Command:...')
#9 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(453): yii\db\Command->queryInternal('fetchAll', 7)
#10 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/pgsql/Schema.php(182): yii\db\Command->queryColumn()
#11 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(237): yii\db\pgsql\Schema->findTableNames('public')
#12 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(780): yii\db\Schema->getTableNames('', false)
#13 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(207): yii\db\Schema->getSchemaMetadata('', 'schema', false)
#14 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/controllers/MigrateController.php(300): yii\db\Schema->getTableSchemas()
#15 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/controllers/BaseMigrateController.php(472): yii\console\controllers\MigrateController->truncateDatabase()
#16 [internal function]: yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateController->actionFresh()
#17 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#18 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(181): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#19 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(184): yii\base\Controller->runAction('fresh', Array)
#20 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(534): yii\console\Controller->runAction('fresh', Array)
#21 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(181): yii\base\Module->runAction('migrate/fresh', Array)
#22 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(148): yii\console\Application->runAction('migrate/fresh', Array)
#23 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(392): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\console\Request))
#24 /app/yii(23): yii\base\Application->run()
#25 {main}
2021-05-21 07:51:05 [-][-][-][error][yii\db\Exception] PDOException: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not translate host name "dockerhost" to address: Name or service not known in /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:719
Stack trace:
#0 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(719): PDO->__construct('pgsql:host=dock...', 'fuw', 'vagrant', NULL)
#1 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(638): yii\db\Connection->createPdoInstance()
#2 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1059): yii\db\Connection->open()
#3 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1046): yii\db\Connection->getMasterPdo()
#4 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(463): yii\db\Connection->getSlavePdo()
#5 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(938): yii\db\Schema->quoteValue('public')
#6 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(211): yii\db\Connection->quoteValue('public')
#7 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1126): yii\db\Command->getRawSql()
#8 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1147): yii\db\Command->logQuery('yii\\db\\Command:...')
#9 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(453): yii\db\Command->queryInternal('fetchAll', 7)
#10 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/pgsql/Schema.php(182): yii\db\Command->queryColumn()
#11 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(237): yii\db\pgsql\Schema->findTableNames('public')
#12 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(780): yii\db\Schema->getTableNames('', false)
#13 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(207): yii\db\Schema->getSchemaMetadata('', 'schema', false)
#14 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/controllers/MigrateController.php(300): yii\db\Schema->getTableSchemas()
#15 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/controllers/BaseMigrateController.php(472): yii\console\controllers\MigrateController->truncateDatabase()
#16 [internal function]: yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateController->actionFresh()
#17 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#18 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(181): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#19 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(184): yii\base\Controller->runAction('fresh', Array)
#20 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(534): yii\console\Controller->runAction('fresh', Array)
#21 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(181): yii\base\Module->runAction('migrate/fresh', Array)
#22 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(148): yii\console\Application->runAction('migrate/fresh', Array)
#23 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(392): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\console\Request))
#24 /app/yii(23): yii\base\Application->run()
#25 {main}
Next yii\db\Exception: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not translate host name "dockerhost" to address: Name or service not known in /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php:649
Stack trace:
#0 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1059): yii\db\Connection->open()
#1 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(1046): yii\db\Connection->getMasterPdo()
#2 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(463): yii\db\Connection->getSlavePdo()
#3 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(938): yii\db\Schema->quoteValue('public')
#4 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(211): yii\db\Connection->quoteValue('public')
#5 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1126): yii\db\Command->getRawSql()
#6 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(1147): yii\db\Command->logQuery('yii\\db\\Command:...')
#7 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php(453): yii\db\Command->queryInternal('fetchAll', 7)
#8 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/pgsql/Schema.php(182): yii\db\Command->queryColumn()
#9 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(237): yii\db\pgsql\Schema->findTableNames('public')
#10 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(780): yii\db\Schema->getTableNames('', false)
#11 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php(207): yii\db\Schema->getSchemaMetadata('', 'schema', false)
#12 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/controllers/MigrateController.php(300): yii\db\Schema->getTableSchemas()
#13 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/controllers/BaseMigrateController.php(472): yii\console\controllers\MigrateController->truncateDatabase()
#14 [internal function]: yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateController->actionFresh()
#15 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#16 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(181): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#17 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(184): yii\base\Controller->runAction('fresh', Array)
#18 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(534): yii\console\Controller->runAction('fresh', Array)
#19 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(181): yii\base\Module->runAction('migrate/fresh', Array)
#20 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(148): yii\console\Application->runAction('migrate/fresh', Array)
#21 /app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(392): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\console\Request))
#22 /app/yii(23): yii\base\Application->run()
#23 {main}
Additional Information:
The setup thinks its on staging, it is because the variables in .secrets
is for staging.
Review 4
Update the following variables in gitlab fork:
ERROR: for deployment_tusd_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for deployment_ftpd_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for deployment_console_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for deployment_watcher_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for deployment_application_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for tusd UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for ftpd UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for console UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for watcher UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: for application UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60).
Review 5
Restart the docker daemon to fix the COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT
issue, see here
Steps to review - Go through the steps mentioned in the FUW workflow video
- Log in as curator, update the
upload status
- Click the
Move files to public ftp
button - The
view: - When click
View Dataset
will get:
Error 500
Trying to get property of non-object
docker-compose logs application
will get:
"Trying to get property of non-object (/var/www/protected/components/StoredDatasetFiles.php:67)"
- In
, line 67
'format' => $file->format->name,
- To set up
test data for gigaDB test database./ops/scripts/ production_like
*** applying m200529_050180_insert_data_species_tab
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1052672 bytes) in /var/www/protected/migrations/data/production_like/m200529_050180_insert_data_species_tab.php on line 422203
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1052672 bytes) in /var/www/protected/migrations/data/production_like/m200529_050180_insert_data_species_tab.php on line 422203
- Get the latest commit from Rija fuw-cicd branch and fix the merge conflicts
git remote -v
git fetch origin
git merge a90c10a
- Then stop, remove and restart the containers
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
To set up
database again
./ production_like
But take long time to finish 😢 -
To register an admin user for the smoke test
docker-compose exec console ./yii identity/add-identity --username admin --email --role admin
Then log in gigadb admin
To register a normal user for the smoke test
docker-compose run --rm test ./protected/yiic smoketest createdata
Then log in test account
To reset the test data
docker-compose run --rm test ./protected/yiic smoketest resetdata && docker-compose exec console ./yii fuw/remove-dropbox --doi 000007
docker-compose run --rm test ./protected/yiic smoketest removedata
To check the job queue
Error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint file_pkey
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-08 02:58:33 [pid: 1] - Worker is started
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-08 03:22:57 [3] app\models\UpdateGigaDBJob (attempt: 1, pid: 1) - Started
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-08 03:22:57 [-][-][-][warning][application] Update GigaDB for test-image.png (000007)
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:61
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-08 03:22:57 [-][-][-][warning][application] Creating file record for filetest-image.png for dataset 000007
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:85
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:68
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-08 03:22:58 [-][-][-][error][yii\queue\Queue] [3] app\models\UpdateGigaDBJob (attempt: 1, PID: 1) is finished with error: PDOException: SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "file_pkey"
gigadb-worker_1 | DETAIL: Key (id)=(6300) already exists. in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Command.php:1302
gigadb-worker_1 | Next yii\db\IntegrityException: SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "file_pkey"
gigadb-worker_1 | DETAIL: Key (id)=(6300) already exists.
gigadb-worker_1 | The SQL being executed was: INSERT INTO "file" ("dataset_id", "name", "size", "location", "description", "extension", "format_id", "type_id", "download_count") VALUES (999999, 'test-image.png', 530635, '', 'test image', 'PNG', 10, 41, 0) RETURNING "id" in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Schema.php:678
gigadb-worker_1 | Additional Information:
gigadb-worker_1 | Array
gigadb-worker_1 | (
gigadb-worker_1 | [0] => 23505
gigadb-worker_1 | [1] => 7
gigadb-worker_1 | [2] => ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "file_pkey"
gigadb-worker_1 | DETAIL: Key (id)=(6300) already exists.
gigadb-worker_1 | )
gigadb-worker_1 | .
- To fix
duplicate key value error
- 16.1 Check the
sequence of the tablefile
- 16.1 Check the
gigadb=# select max(id) from file;
(1 row)
gigadb=# select nextval('file_id_seq');
(1 row)
- 16.2 Fix the
sequence of the tablefile
gigadb=# SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('file', 'id'), coalesce(max(id),0) + 1, false) FROM file;
(1 row)
gigadb=# select nextval('file_id_seq');
(1 row)
The uploaded smoketest dataset could be seen in
Attribute ID cannot be blank
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-09 04:15:01 [-][-][-][warning][application] Update GigaDB for test-image.png (000007)
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:61
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-09 04:15:01 [-][-][-][warning][application] Creating file record for filetest-image.png for dataset 000007
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:85
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:68
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-09 04:15:01 [-][-][-][warning][application] Creating file_attributes record for test-image.png (000007)
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:113
gigadb-worker_1 | in /gigadb-apps/worker/file-worker/models/UpdateGigaDBJob.php:69
gigadb-worker_1 | 2021-06-09 04:15:01 [-][-][-][error][application] [
gigadb-worker_1 | 'attribute_id' => [
gigadb-worker_1 | 'Attribute ID cannot be blank.',
gigadb-worker_1 | ],
gigadb-worker_1 | ]
Steps to review - Pass Unit test
- Make sure the
container is up
docker-compose build test
- Run the unit test suite
.............................................................. 63 / 279 ( 22%)
............................................................... 126 / 279 ( 45%)
............................................................... 189 / 279 ( 67%)
............................................................... 252 / 279 ( 90%)
........................... 279 / 279 (100%)
Time: 30.2 seconds, Memory: 30.00MB
OK (279 tests, 843 assertions)
deployment_console_1 docker-php-entrypoint php-fpm Up 9000/tcp, 9001/tcp
Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.42.1)
No new migrations found. Your system is up-to-date.
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Backend\tests.unit Tests (24) ------------------------------
✔ DockerManagerTest: Can find matching container (0.32s)
✔ DockerManagerTest: Cannot find container (0.04s)
✔ DockerManagerTest: Cannot see forbidden container (0.00s)
✔ DockerManagerTest: Can make post body (0.01s)
✔ DockerManagerTest: Can load and run command (0.06s)
✔ DockerManagerTest: Can restart container (0.00s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Can create writable directories (0.18s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Can remove directories (0.17s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: No op remove directories (0.08s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Can create tokens (0.10s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Create ftp account (0.09s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Remove ftp account (0.09s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Remove uploads (0.11s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Check ftp account (0.10s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Before validate calls account making function (0.09s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Before validate calls account making function preps fails (0.09s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Before validate calls account making function ft pd fails (0.08s)
✔ FiledropAccountTest: Before validate trigger removal (0.09s)
✔ MoveJobTest: Move job success (0.14s)
✔ MoveJobTest: Move job success file exists (0.09s)
✔ MoveJobTest: Move job upload not found failure (0.12s)
✔ MoveJobTest: Move job copy failure (0.09s)
✔ MoveJobTest: Move job throws file not found (0.08s)
✔ MoveJobTest: Move job create job to update giga db (0.07s)
Time: 3.47 seconds, Memory: 30.00MB
OK (24 tests, 69 assertions)
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Frontend\tests.unit Tests (0) ------------------------------
DEPRECATION: Calling the "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch()" method with the event name as the first argument is deprecated since Symfony 4.3, pass it as the second argument and provide the event object as the first argument instead. /app/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:58
Time: 335 ms, Memory: 10.00MB
No tests executed!
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Common\tests.unit Tests (6) --------------------------------
✔ MessagingServiceTest: Send email (0.06s)
✔ UploadTest: Validate data type error (0.11s)
✔ UploadTest: Validate data type no error (0.05s)
✔ UploadTest: Validate file format error (0.05s)
✔ UploadTest: Validate file format no error (0.05s)
✔ UploadTest: Validate filedrop account missing (0.04s)
Time: 781 ms, Memory: 16.00MB
OK (6 tests, 10 assertions)
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Console\tests.unit Tests (10) ------------------------------
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Get file format from file common (0.02s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Get file format from file regular (0.00s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Get file format from unknown (0.00s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Generate ftp link (0.00s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Create upload from file with success (0.06s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Create upload from file with failure (0.01s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Create upload from json with success (0.01s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Create upload from json with malformed json (0.00s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Create upload from json with doi mismatch (0.00s)
✔ UploadFactoryTest: Create upload from json with save failure (0.01s)
Time: 889 ms, Memory: 16.00MB
OK (10 tests, 16 assertions)
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.20
Powered by PHPUnit 8.5.15 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Unit Tests (6) ---------------------------------------------
✔ UpdateGigaDBJobTest: Save files (0.19s)
✔ UpdateGigaDBJobTest: Save attributes (0.14s)
✔ UpdateGigaDBJobTest: Save samples (0.12s)
✔ UpdateGigaDBJobTest: Execute (0.12s)
✔ UpdateGigaDBJobTest: Throw exception when failed to find dataset (0.06s)
✔ UpdateGigaDBJobTest: Throw exception when dataset wrong status (0.05s)
Time: 2.31 seconds, Memory: 18.00 MB
OK (6 tests, 7 assertions)
Steps to reviews - Pass Functional test
- Make sure the
container is up
docker-compose build test
- Run the functional test suite
................................................................ 65 / 95 ( 68%)
.............................. 95 / 95 (100%)
Time: 1.44 minutes, Memory: 34.00MB
OK (95 tests, 294 assertions)
Restoring current database...
Restarting php container for deployment project...
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Backend\tests.functional Tests (10) ------------------------
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Prepare account set fields (0.34s)
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Checking an ftp account (0.23s)
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Create ftp accounts (0.38s)
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Create accounts database record (0.41s)
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Send rest http post to create account (0.57s)
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Send rest http delete to delete account (0.48s)
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Send rest http put to update filedrop account and send email (0.42s)
✔ FiledropAccountCest: Move files (0.25s)
✔ MockupUrlCest: Add mockup url (0.20s)
✔ UserCreateCest: Create non existent user (0.53s)
Time: 5.98 seconds, Memory: 28.00MB
OK (10 tests, 42 assertions)
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Frontend\tests.functional Tests (6) ------------------------
✔ AttributeCest: Test set attributes (0.23s)
✔ AttributeCest: Test add attributes (0.08s)
✔ NotificationCest: Email send (0.14s)
✔ UploadCest: Get upload (0.09s)
✔ UploadCest: Update single upload (0.07s)
✔ UploadCest: Update multiple uploads (0.08s)
Time: 1.99 seconds, Memory: 22.00MB
OK (6 tests, 32 assertions)
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Console\tests.functional Tests (7) -------------------------
ftp: DOI 300001 extracted...
✔ FtpCest: Try with success to create upload for file (0.25s)
✔ FtpCest: Try with default options (0.01s)
About to remove the dropbox for 300001...
✔ FuwCest: Try remove dropbox (0.47s)
actionUpload begins...
✔ TusdCest: Try with success to create upload for file (0.13s)
actionUpload begins...
✔ TusdCest: Try create upload for file from json file (0.12s)
actionUpload begins...
✔ TusdCest: Try create upload for file from json file destination already exists (0.14s)
✔ TusdCest: Try with default options (0.01s)
Time: 1.86 seconds, Memory: 24.00MB
OK (7 tests, 35 assertions)
Steps to review - Pass Acceptance test
- Make sure the
container is up
docker-compose build test
- Make sure a headless browser is up
docker-compose up -d chrome
- Run the acceptance test suite
77 scenarios (77 passed)
734 steps (734 passed)
26m40.98s (16.25Mb)
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.5.6
Powered by PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
[Groups] ok
Common\tests.acceptance Tests (53) -------------------------
⏺ Recording ⏺ step-by-step screenshots will be saved to /app/common/tests/_output/
Directory Format: record_60b0ae792a91b_{filename}_{testname} ----
userId: 346, username: joy_fox
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Accessing admin page's list of datasets to setup drop box for a dataset (18.70s)
userId: 346, username: joy_fox
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Triggering the creation of a drop box for a dataset with the appropriate status (23.09s)
userId: 346, username: joy_fox
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : The drop box is created, we can send email instructions (22.71s)
userId: 346, username: joy_fox
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : send default email instructions (22.74s)
userId: 346, username: joy_fox
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Seeing Popup composer for customizing and sending email instructions (19.70s)
userId: 346, username: joy_fox
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Popup composer for customizing and sending email instructions (24.71s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : ftp upload triggers new upload record saved in database (55.72s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Upload files button when dataset has appropriate status (UserUploadingData) (17.72s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Upload files button when dataset has appropriate status (DataPending) (20.23s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: chloe_decker
✔ : No Upload files button when dataset hasn't got to the appropriate status yet (23.64s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Pressing the upload button bring up File Upload Wizard upload screen (23.03s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : All files in the queue are uploaded (20.93s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Queued files are all uploaded (11.43s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : There is a Next button (11.83s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Next button to proceed to file metadata annotation form (42.37s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Metadata form elements for all uploaded files (18.50s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Making changes to metadata (17.10s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Saving metadata (23.56s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Removing uploads (20.88s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Initial MD5 checksum for upload files shows up as tooltip (18.71s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : bulk upload form for all uploaded files (19.04s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Uploading CSV spreadsheet to update upload metadata (23.57s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Uploading CSV spreadsheet to update upload metadata and attributes (23.68s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Uploading CSV spreadsheet to update upload metadata, attributes and samples (22.43s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Spreadsheet with malformed attributes (23.59s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Spreadsheet with mispelled column header (21.02s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Unknown Data Type (all spreadsheet entries have error) (21.55s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Unknown Data Type (one spreadsheet entry in error) (28.63s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Unknown file format (one spreadsheet entry in error) (28.31s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Uploading TSV spreadsheet to update upload metadata and attributes (22.80s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Can trigger a form from metadata form for adding new attribute (16.93s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Can add new attribute to the attribute list (18.65s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Can add new samples to a file upload (21.89s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Saving file metadata with attributes and samples (29.47s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : after status is changed to DataAvailableForReview, add entry in curation log (24.12s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Editor set the status to "Rejected" causing a curation log entry (8.66s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Editor set the status to "Submitted" causing a curation log entry and an email notification (9.18s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : There is a button to generate mockup when status is Submitted (8.51s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : There is not a button to generate mockup when status is not Submitted (6.40s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Generating a mockup when status is Submitted (13.12s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : Can access unique and time-limed url of dataset page showing uploaded files (4.84s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : The page at the unique and time-limed url show dataset info (4.30s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
✔ : The page at the unique and time-limed url show uploaded files, attributes, samples and download links (13.18s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Curator set the status to "DataPending" if something is missing, causing a curation log entry, and email notification (12.86s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Curator set the status to "Curation" when files and metadata are complete, causing a curation log entry (9.82s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : there's a button to trigger file transfer for dataset with status Curation (6.06s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : there's no button to trigger file transfer for dataset if status not Curation (7.95s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Clicking the move button create a job for the workers (10.68s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : The files are copied to the new location when the workers complete the job (14.95s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Files that have been moved are marked as such in File Upload Wizard API (16.82s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Completion of moving files triggers update of the file database table (19.54s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Completion of moving files triggers update of the file, attributes tables (21.96s)
userId: 346, username: artie_dodger
userId: 347, username: ben_hur
we are in CuratorSteps
✔ : Completion of moving files triggers update of the file, attributes and samples tables (21.34s)
⏺ Records saved into: file:///app/common/tests/_output/records.html
Time: 17.34 minutes, Memory: 42.00MB
OK (53 tests, 243 assertions)
Steps to review - Pass Coverage test
- Make sure the
container is up
docker-compose build test
- Make sure a headless browser is up
docker-compose up -d chrome
- Run the coverage test suite
.............................................................. 63 / 279 ( 22%)
............................................................... 126 / 279 ( 45%)
............................................................... 189 / 279 ( 67%)
............................................................... 252 / 279 ( 90%)
........................... 279 / 279 (100%)
Time: 56.76 seconds, Memory: 42.00MB
OK (279 tests, 843 assertions)
Load coverage clover log:
- /var/www/protected/runtime/clover.xml
Found 275 source files:
- 35.71% protected/behaviors/ActiveRecordLogableBehavior.php
- 60.61% protected/behaviors/DatasetBehavior.php
- 4.70% protected/behaviors/DatasetRelatedTableBehavior.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/AuthSetupCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/AutoSendNotificationCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/CreateSitemapCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/FixPrefixCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/GenerateFileFormatsCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/GenerateFileTypesCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/GetCitationCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/ImportCsvCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/LessCompilerCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/SequenceFixerCommand.php
- 0.00% protected/commands/SmokeTestCommand.php
- 34.38% protected/components/AffiliateUserIdentity.php
- 0.00% protected/components/AnalyticsService.php
- 63.16% protected/components/AttributeService.php
- 85.00% protected/components/AuthorisedDatasetAccessions.php
- 80.00% protected/components/AuthorisedDatasetSubmitter.php
- 100.00% protected/components/AutoCompleteService.php
- 95.45% protected/components/CachedDatasetAccessions.php
- 100.00% protected/components/CachedDatasetConnections.php
- 100.00% protected/components/CachedDatasetExternalLinks.php
- 100.00% protected/components/CachedDatasetFiles.php
- 100.00% protected/components/CachedDatasetMainSection.php
- 100.00% protected/components/CachedDatasetSamples.php
- 91.67% protected/components/CachedDatasetSubmitter.php
- 0.00% protected/components/Controller.php
- 0.00% protected/components/DatabaseSearch.php
- 100.00% protected/components/DatasetComponents.php
- 100.00% protected/components/DatasetFiledrop.php
- 97.83% protected/components/DatasetPageAssembly.php
- 100.00% protected/components/DatasetPageSettings.php
- 82.86% protected/components/DatasetUpload.php
- 0.00% protected/components/DeferrableCJuiAutoComplete.php
- 71.21% protected/components/FileUploadService.php
- 73.72% protected/components/FiledropService.php
- 0.00% protected/components/FilesPagination.php
- 86.36% protected/components/FormattedDatasetAccessions.php
- 94.74% protected/components/FormattedDatasetConnections.php
- 77.78% protected/components/FormattedDatasetExternalLinks.php
- 100.00% protected/components/FormattedDatasetFiles.php
- 92.68% protected/components/FormattedDatasetMainSection.php
- 91.30% protected/components/FormattedDatasetSamples.php
- 88.89% protected/components/LinkWithFormat.php
- 100.00% protected/components/LinkWithPreference.php
- 100.00% protected/components/MailService.php
- 0.00% protected/components/MySort.php
- 0.00% protected/components/NewsAndFeedsService.php
- 95.65% protected/components/NewsletterService.php
- 0.00% protected/components/OrcidStrategy.php
- 100.00% protected/components/ResourcedDatasetFiles.php
- 0.00% protected/components/SiteLinkPager.php
- 93.33% protected/components/StoredDatasetAccessions.php
- 82.35% protected/components/StoredDatasetConnections.php
- 100.00% protected/components/StoredDatasetExternalLinks.php
- 100.00% protected/components/StoredDatasetFiles.php
- 100.00% protected/components/StoredDatasetMainSection.php
- 100.00% protected/components/StoredDatasetSamples.php
- 92.31% protected/components/StoredDatasetSubmitter.php
- 0.00% protected/components/SuUserIdentity.php
- 93.65% protected/components/TokenService.php
- 92.86% protected/components/UserIdentity.php
- 0.00% protected/components/Util.php
- 0.00% protected/components/WebUser.php
- 38.92% protected/components/Yii.php
- 0.00% protected/config/console.php
- 0.00% protected/config/local.php
- 0.00% protected/config/main.php
- 0.00% protected/config/test.php
- 0.00% protected/config/yii2/params-local.php
- 0.00% protected/config/yii2/params.php
- 0.00% protected/config/yii2/test.php
- 0.00% protected/config/yii2/web.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminAuthorController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminDatasetAuthorController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminDatasetController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminDatasetProjectController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminDatasetSampleController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminDatasetTypeController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminExternalLinkController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminFileController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminFileFormatController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminFileTypeController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminImagesController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminLinkController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminLinkPrefixController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminManuscriptController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminProjectController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminPublisherController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminRelationController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminSampleController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminSpeciesController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AdminUserCommandController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/ApiController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AttributeController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/AuthorisedDatasetController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/CurationLogController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/Dataset/MockupViewAction.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/DatasetController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/DatasetFunderController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/DatasetLogController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/DatasetSubmissionController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/FunderController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/NewsController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/PolicyController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/ReportController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/RssController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/RssMessageController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/SearchController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/SiteController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/UserCommandController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/UserController.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/adminDataset/AssignFTPBoxAction.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/adminDataset/MockupAction.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/adminDataset/MoveFilesAction.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/adminDataset/SaveInstructionsAction.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/adminDataset/SendInstructionsAction.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/authorisedDataset/FilesAnnotateAction.php
- 0.00% protected/controllers/authorisedDataset/FilesUploadAction.php
- 83.33% protected/helpers/HTTPSHelper.php
- 100.00% protected/helpers/PasswordHelper.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/Cacheable.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/DatasetAccessionsInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/DatasetConnectionsInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/DatasetExternalLinksInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/DatasetFilesInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/DatasetMainSectionInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/DatasetSamplesInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/DatasetSubmitterInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/interfaces/LinkInterface.php
- 0.00% protected/messages/config.php
- 0.00% protected/messages/en/app.php
- 0.00% protected/messages/zh_tw/app.php
- 0.00% protected/models/AlternativeIdentifiers.php
- 28.57% protected/models/Attribute.php
- 61.29% protected/models/Author.php
- 42.86% protected/models/AuthorRel.php
- 0.00% protected/models/ChangePasswordForm.php
- 0.00% protected/models/ContactForm.php
- 44.83% protected/models/CurationLog.php
- 15.35% protected/models/Dataset.php
- 56.52% protected/models/DatasetAttributes.php
- 77.78% protected/models/DatasetAttributesFactory.php
- 9.52% protected/models/DatasetAuthor.php
- 92.86% protected/models/DatasetDAO.php
- 7.41% protected/models/DatasetFunder.php
- 6.25% protected/models/DatasetLog.php
- 10.53% protected/models/DatasetProject.php
- 10.53% protected/models/DatasetSample.php
- 0.00% protected/models/DatasetSession.php
- 6.06% protected/models/DatasetType.php
- 0.00% protected/models/EditProfileForm.php
- 0.00% protected/models/ExpAttributes.php
- 0.00% protected/models/Experiment.php
- 0.00% protected/models/Extdb.php
- 11.11% protected/models/ExternalLink.php
- 6.67% protected/models/ExternalLinkType.php
- 16.82% protected/models/File.php
- 15.38% protected/models/FileAttributes.php
- 50.00% protected/models/FileFormat.php
- 100.00% protected/models/FileFormatDAO.php
- 0.00% protected/models/FileRelationship.php
- 8.33% protected/models/FileSample.php
- 50.00% protected/models/FileType.php
- 100.00% protected/models/FileTypeDAO.php
- 0.00% protected/models/Folder.php
- 8.33% protected/models/Funder.php
- 0.00% protected/models/ImageHaver.php
- 0.00% protected/models/Images.php
- 53.85% protected/models/Link.php
- 0.00% protected/models/LoginForm.php
- 12.50% protected/models/Manuscript.php
- 0.00% protected/models/News.php
- 18.75% protected/models/Prefix.php
- 4.17% protected/models/Project.php
- 6.25% protected/models/Publisher.php
- 0.00% protected/models/PxInfoForm.php
- 100.00% protected/models/RSSFeedDAO.php
- 14.29% protected/models/Relation.php
- 100.00% protected/models/RelationDAO.php
- 46.15% protected/models/Relationship.php
- 27.27% protected/models/RssMessage.php
- 13.61% protected/models/Sample.php
- 37.50% protected/models/SampleAttribute.php
- 0.00% protected/models/SampleRel.php
- 0.00% protected/models/SearchForm.php
- 0.00% protected/models/SearchRecord.php
- 10.53% protected/models/Species.php
- 4.76% protected/models/Type.php
- 0.00% protected/models/Unit.php
- 18.75% protected/models/User.php
- 0.00% protected/models/UserCommand.php
- 100.00% protected/models/UserDAO.php
- 0.00% protected/modules/opauth/OpauthModule.php
- 0.00% protected/modules/opauth/controllers/CallbackController.php
- 75.00% protected/tests/functional/AdminDatasetAssignFTPBoxActionTest.php
- 92.50% protected/tests/functional/AdminDatasetMockupActionTest.php
- 96.67% protected/tests/functional/AdminDatasetMoveFilesActionTest.php
- 89.19% protected/tests/functional/AdminDatasetSendInstructionsActionTest.php
- 93.65% protected/tests/functional/AdminDatasetUpdateActionTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/AdminFileTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/AdminSiteAccessTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/AnalyticsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/ApiTest.php
- 98.41% protected/tests/functional/AuthorisedDatasetFilesAnnotateActionTest.php
- 97.98% protected/tests/functional/AuthorisedDatasetFilesUploadActionTest.php
- 90.00% protected/tests/functional/AutoCompleteEndpointsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/CaptchaImageTest.php
- 96.55% protected/tests/functional/DatasetKeywordsTest.php
- 92.31% protected/tests/functional/DatasetMockupViewActionTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/DatasetViewTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/FileUploadServiceTest.php
- 98.32% protected/tests/functional/FiledropServiceTest.php
- 77.14% protected/tests/functional/MailServiceTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/NewsletterTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/RSSFeedTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/SearchViewTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/functional/SiteTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/support/BrowserFindSteps.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/support/BrowserFormSteps.php
- 94.44% protected/tests/support/BrowserPageSteps.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/support/BrowserSignInSteps.php
- 0.00% protected/tests/support/CommonDataProviders.php
- 98.78% protected/tests/support/DatabaseSteps.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/support/FilesystemSteps.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/support/FunctionalTesting.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/AffiliateUserIdentityTest.php
- 93.75% protected/tests/unit/AttributeServiceTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/AuthorTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/AuthorisedDatasetAccessionsTest.php
- 80.00% protected/tests/unit/AutoCompleteServiceTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/CachedDatasetAccessionsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/CachedDatasetConnectionsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/CachedDatasetExternalLinksTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/CachedDatasetFilesTest.php
- 99.71% protected/tests/unit/CachedDatasetMainSectionTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/CachedDatasetSamplesTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/CurationLogTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/DatasetAttributesFactoryTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/DatasetAttributesTest.php
- 98.94% protected/tests/unit/DatasetDAOTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/DatasetFildedropTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/DatasetPageAssemblyTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/DatasetPageSettingsTest.php
- 98.72% protected/tests/unit/DatasetSubmitterDataTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/DatasetTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/DatasetUploadTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FileFormatDAOTest.php
- 91.67% protected/tests/unit/FileTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FileTypeDAOTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FiledropServiceTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FormattedDatasetAccessionsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FormattedDatasetConnectionsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FormattedDatasetExternalLinksTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FormattedDatasetFilesTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FormattedDatasetMainSectionTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/FormattedDatasetSamplesTest.php
- 66.67% protected/tests/unit/HTTPSHelperTest.php
- 97.92% protected/tests/unit/NewsLetterServiceTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/PasswordHelperTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/RSSFeedDAOTest.php
- 96.00% protected/tests/unit/RelationDAOTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/ResourcedDatasetFilesTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/StoredDatasetAccessionsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/StoredDatasetConnectionsTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/StoredDatasetExternalLinksTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/StoredDatasetFilesTest.php
- 98.31% protected/tests/unit/StoredDatasetMainSectionTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/StoredDatasetSamplesTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/TokenServiceTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/UserDAOTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/UserIdentityTest.php
- 100.00% protected/tests/unit/UserTest.php
- 0.00% protected/yiit.php
Coverage: 46.35% (6859/14797)
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phpcov 3.1.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done
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Code Coverage Report:
2021-05-28 09:17:26
Classes: 31.10% (79/254)
Methods: 41.20% (691/1677)
Lines: 46.36% (6859/14795)