
  1. Add Delete button in AdminFile/update under New Attribute
  2. Create actionDeleteAttr
  3. Pass Behat tests


  1. Add Delete button in /protected/adminFile/_form.php
    <?php foreach($model->fileAttributes as $fa) { ?>
    <tr class="row-edit-<?= $fa->id ?>">
            <?= $fa->attribute->attribute_name ?>
            <?= $fa->value ?>
            <?= $fa->unit ? $fa->unit->name : '' ?>
        <td><a role="button" class="btn btn-edit js-edit" data="<?= $fa->id ?>">Edit</a></td>
        <td><a role="button" class="btn js-delete" name="delete_attr" data="<?= $fa->id ?>">Delete</a></td>
    <?php } ?>

$('.js-delete').click(function (e) {
    id = $(this).attr('data');
    row = $('.row-edit-' + id);
    if (id) {
        $.post('/adminFile/deleteAttr', { 'id': id }, function(result) {
            if (result) {
                // console.log(result);
        }, 'json');
  1. Create actionDeleteAttr in /controller/AdminFileController.php
public function actionDeleteAttr()
    if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest)
        throw new CHttpException(404, "The requested page does not exist.");

    if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
        $attribute = FileAttributes::model()->findByPk($_POST['id']);
        if ($attribute) {
  1. Create admin-file.feature
@admin-file @issue-457
  Feature: An admin user can edit and delete attribute in admin file page
    As an admin user
    I can edit/delete attribute
    So that I can associate various attributes to files

    Given Gigadb web site is loaded with production-like data

  @ok @issue-457 @javascript
  Scenario: Guest user cannot visit admin file update page
    Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site
    When I go to "/adminFile/update/"
    Then I should see "Login"

  @ok @issue-457 @javascript
  Scenario: Sign in as admin and visit admin file update page and see New Attribute, Edit, Delete buttons
    Given I sign in as an admin
    When I am on "/adminFile/update/id/13973"
    Then I should see a button "New Attribute"
    And I should see a button input "Edit"
    And I should see a button input "Delete"

  @ok @issue-457 @javascript
  Scenario: Sign in as admin to delete attribute
    Given I sign in as an admin
    And I am on "/adminFile/update/id/13973"
    And I should see a button input "Delete"
    When I press "Delete"
    And I wait "3" seconds
    Then I should not see a button "Delete"
  1. Run behat test with Database set up
    4.1 only accptance test
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e -u


4.2 change tag to @wip

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e -u -x

echo "About to run  automated tests..."

echo "Loading environment..."
set -a
source /var/www/.env
source /var/www/.secrets
set +a

if [ "$GIGADB_ENV" == "dev" ];then
	echo "First, backup the main database..."
	exec 3>&1
	exec 1> /dev/null
	pg_dump $GIGADB_DB -U $GIGADB_USER -h $GIGADB_HOST -F custom  -f /var/www/sql/before-run.pgdmp
	exec 1>&3

echo "Running acceptance tests"
if [[ "$GIGADB_ENV" == "dev" ]];then
	bin/behat --tags "@wip" -v --stop-on-failure
	# we are on CI with remote runner, affilate login tests don't work becasause Google and Twitter block it
	bin/behat --tags "@ok&&~@affiliate-login&&~@javascript" -v --stop-on-failure

echo "...all automated tests have run"

if [ "$GIGADB_ENV" == "dev" ];then
	echo "Lastly, restoring the main database..."
	exec 3>&1
	exec 1> /dev/null
	pg_restore -h $GIGADB_HOST  -U $GIGADB_USER -d $GIGADB_DB --clean --no-owner -v /var/www/sql/before-run.pgdmp
	exec 1>&3
  1. Run behat test
    docker-compose run --rm test


  1. Run behat test with setting up the database is required to pass I sign in as an admin.


  1. PR Delete button #503

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