
  1. To add a go to page feature in navigating file table.
  2. Details refer to this issue View files from large db #437


  1. Create a Go to page button
    • match the button style with the whole webpage
    • create btn_click class for this onclick button
    • create input box for number, and assign id=pageTarget
    .btn_click {
        border: solid 1px #0eb23c;
        color: #0fad59;
        padding: 4px 6px 3px 6px;
        text-decoration: none;
        background-color: Transparent;
    input {
        width: 3%;
    input::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
        -webkit-appearance: none;
        margin: 0;
    .text_box {
        color: #0fad59;
        background: #fff;
        border: solid 1px #0eb23c;
<button class="btn_click" onclick="goToPage()"><strong>Go to page</strong></button>
<input type="number" id="pageTarget" class="text_box">
<a class="color-background"><strong> of <?= $files->getDataProvider()->getPagination()->getPageCount()?></strong></a>
  1. Create a goToPage() function in JavaScript
    • document.getElementById('pageTarget').value gets the value of the input box
    • <?php echo $model->identifier?> gets the paper ID number
    • <?php echo $files->getDataProvider()->getPagination()->getPageCount()?> gets the max page count
    • some requirements:
      • disable input box arrows
      • when userInput > max, return to max
      • when userInput < min, return to min
    • window.location.pathname will get current page url, will crash when go to page 2 and then press 1
      • so to create an array with default values:
      • let targetUrlArray = ["", "dataset", "view", "id", pageID];
    function goToPage() {
        var targetPageNumber = document.getElementById('pageTarget').value;
        var pageID = <?php echo $model->identifier?>;
        //To validate page number
        var userInput = parseInt(targetPageNumber);
        var max = <?php echo $files->getDataProvider()->getPagination()->getPageCount() ?>;
        //To output total pages
        // console.log(max);
        var min = 1;
        if (userInput >= min && userInput <= max) {
            console.log("Valid page number!");
        }else if (userInput > max) {
            targetPageNumber = max;
            console.log("Error, return to " + max);
        } else if (userInput < min) {
            targetPageNumber = min;
            console.log("Error, return to " + min);
        // var targetUrlArray = Array.apply(null, Array(5)).map(function(_,i) { return window.location.pathname.split("/")[i]});]
        // Create array with default values
        let targetUrlArray = ["", "dataset", "view", "id", pageID];
        targetUrlArray.push('Files_page', targetPageNumber);
        window.location = window.location.origin + targetUrlArray.join("/");
        // Uncomment will show the target url in console.
        // console.log(window.location.origin + targetUrlArray.join("/"))

Behat test

PhantomJS has been discontinued, so it cannot simulate pressing action on Go to page button. In order to do so, behat.yml and docker-compose.yml need to be updated.

A. behat.yml, to replace PhantomJS with Chrome
        - AffiliateLoginContext
        - GigadbWebsiteContext
        - AuthorMergingContext
        - AuthorUserContext
        - ClaimDatasetContext
        - DatasetsOnProfileContext
        - DatasetViewContext
        - DatasetAdminContext
        - NormalLoginContext
        - Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext
          base_url: ""
          goutte: ~
            wd_host: "http://chrome:4444/wd/hub"
            browser: chrome
                  - "--headless"
                  - "--disable-gpu"
B. Add ‘Chrome’ docker image in docker-compose file
    image: selenium/standalone-chrome:3.141.59-oxygen # latest version with Chrome 74
    shm_size: '1gb' # to avoid a known issue
      # - "5900:5900" #for VNC access
      - "4444:4444" #for webdriver access
      - web-tier
      - "gigadb.test:"
      - ""           
    environment: # to run headless, set false and comment out port 5900 above and make sure to pass --headless arg in acceptance.suite.yml
      START_XVFB: "false"
C. Stop PhantomJS service and Start Chrome service

docker-compose stop phantomjs
docker-compose up -d chrome

D. To run specific behat test

docker-compose run --rm test bin/behat --tags @wip --stop-on-failure

  1. Press the Go to page button and go to page 2
	@wip @files @javascript @pr437
	Scenario: Files - Pagination
		Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site
		And I am on "/dataset/101001"
		And I follow "Files"
		And I have set pageSize to "5" on "files_table_settings"
		And I fill in "pageTarget" with "2"
		And I press "Go to page"
		When I follow "1"
		And I take a screenshot named "file_tab_p1"
		Then I should see "Files" tab with table
		| File Name              							| Description  	                                                                    | Data Type       	| Size  		| File Attributes | link |
		| Anas_platyrhynchos.cds 							| predicted coding sequences from draft genome, confirmed with RNAseq data.	        | Coding sequence  	| 21.50 MiB     |                 | |
		| Anas_platyrhynchos.gff 							| genome annotations	                                                            | Annotation 		| 10.10 MiB 	|                 | |
		| Anas_platyrhynchos.pep 							| amino acid translations of coding sequences                                       | Protein sequence 	| 7.80 MiB  	|                 | |
		| Anas_platyrhynchos_domestica.RepeatMasker.out.gz 	| repeat masker output 	                                                            | Other 			| 7.79 MiB  	|                 | |
		| duck.scafSeq.gapFilled.noMito 					| draft genome assembly                                                             | Sequence assembly	| 1.03 GiB 		|                 | |
  1. To enable hit return function
     * @Then I manually hit return
    public function iManuallyHitReturn()
        $xpath = '//*[@id="pageTarget"]';
        $this->minkContext->getSession()->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->element('xpath', $xpath)->postValue(['value' => ["\r\n"]]);
  1. Hit return and go to page 2
	@wip @files @javascript @pr437
	Scenario: Files - Pagination
		Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site
		And I am on "/dataset/101001"
		And I follow "Files"
		And I have set pageSize to "5" on "files_table_settings"
		When I fill in "pageTarget" with "2"
		And I manually hit return
#		And I take a screenshot named "file_tab_enter"
		Then I should be on "/dataset/view/id/101001/Files_page/2"
		And I should see "Files" tab with table
		| File Name              							| Description  	                                                                    | Data Type       	| Size  		| File Attributes | link |
		| pre_03AUG2015_update 								| folder containing originally submitted data files, prior to update Aug 3rd 2015.	| Directory 		| 50.00 MiB 	|                 | |
		| readme.txt 										|				                                                                    | Readme 			| 337 B 		|                 | |


  1. Config files
  2. xpath information
  3. PR #495

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