- Clean Code, YouTube
- PHP: The Right Way, link
- Udemy courses
- Design Pattern, Doc
- The Big-O notation, FreeCodeCamp
Todo - Project repo, doc
Done - Project
- Met with Nicole, and she added a new request
1.1 Get publons review link
1.2 Get Content to append
from EM
1.3 Want a standalone tool
- Updated the tool to output csv format
2.1 46s
for the tool to mint the 10 CrossRef DOI
- Link previews #428
- Add citation button #83
1.1 Remove html entities from Text
- Write JS function trim the API return results and then display on new window
1.2 Implement I go to new tab and should see
in the context file
* @Then I go to new tab and should see :arg1
public function iGoToNewTabAndShouldSee($arg1)
$session = $this->minkContext->getSession();
$numberOfTab = $session->getWindowNames();
if (sizeof($numberOfTab) < 2) {
print ("Expected to see at least 2 windows opened.");
@ok @javascript @pr521
Scenario: To show the citation text from CorssCite after clicking the Formatted Text button in the citation box
Given I am not logged in to Gigadb web site
And I am on "/dataset/101001"
And I press "Cite Dataset"
When I press "Text"
Then I go to new tab and should see "Huang, Y., Li, Y., Burt, D. W., Chen, H., Zhang, Y., Qian, W., Kim, H., Gan, S., Zhao, Y., Li, J., Yi, K., Feng, H., Zhu, P., Li, B., Liu, Q., Fairley, S., Magor, K. E., Du, Z., Hu, X., … Li, N. (2013). Genome sequence of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) [Data set]. GigaScience Database. https://doi.org/10.5524/101001"
- Volume size in GigaDB, #513
2.1 checked on the development code base, the Data volume(TB)
was hardcoded as 31