
To familiarize the framework of Yii 1.1.


  1. The steps can be found here
  2. The source code is stored at github repo

Steps to note

  1. Download the Yii 1.1 source code at here
  2. Unpack the compressed file and move to dockerfolder/app
    tar -xvzf yii-1.1.22.bf1d26.tar.gz
  3. Rename the folder name to yii-1.1.22
  4. Go to the framework folder to create a skeleton application by
    ./yiic webapp ../blog-yii1.1
  5. Establish DB connection in /protected/config/database.php
return array(
	'connectionString' => 'sqlite:'.dirname(__FILE__).'/../data/blog.db',
  1. Allowing Gii for scafolding /protected/config/main.php
            'ipFilters' = False,
  1. How to customize the rules method in /protected/models/Post.php
public function normalizeTags($attribute,$params)
public function rules()
    return array(
        array('title, content, status', 'required'),
        array('title', 'length', 'max'=>128),
        array('status', 'in', 'range'=>array(1,2,3)),
        array('tags', 'match', 'pattern'=>'/^[\w\s,]+$/',
            'message'=>'Tags can only contain word characters.'),
        array('tags', 'normalizeTags'),
        array('title, status', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
  1. How to customize the rules method in /protected/models/Tag.php
public static function string2array($tags)
    return preg_split('/\s*,\s*/',trim($tags),-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
public static function array2string($tags)
    return implode(', ',$tags);
  1. How to customize the relations method in protected/models/Post.php
public function relations()
		// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
		// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
		return array(
			'author' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'author_id'),
			'comments' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Comment', 'post_id',
                'order'=>'comments.create_time DESC'),
            'commentCount' => array(self::STAT, 'Comment', 'post_id',
  1. How to customize the relations method in protected/models/Comment.php
class Comment extends CActiveRecord
    const STATUS_PENDING=1;
    const STATUS_APPROVED=2;
  1. How to create portlets for User Menu, Tag Cloud and Recent Comments
    11.1 UserMenu portlet
    11.2 TagCloud

    • Create a Tag.php in /protected/models/Tag.php
    • Add 'tagCloudCount'=>20 in config/main.php under param

    11.3 RecentComments

Points to note